Thursday 13 August 2015

Ornamental Agaves


I thought I would share some photos of Agaves that were grown at a commercial succulent nursery and some from my garden to show how they mature when planted in the ground.
I like Agaves that don't take up half the garden and  can be mixed with drought-tolerant flowering perennials like Salvias and Carpet Roses, and for larger pots.
Here are a few of my favorites:


 These beauties are rare as Hen's Teeth today but specimens can still bought for a fair price on EBay. They offset very slowly and sometimes not at all. They are a hybrid with amazing colour  and glowing red edges on the leaves which have spines on the end that are VERY sharp. The photo on the left is from my garden and is roughly 15 years old. I think it may be thinking about flowering which would mean the death of the plant. The one on the right was a mature specimen for sale, I could only guess what it would fetch!


Very similar to Agave potatorum but will offset over time. It has very nice leaf markings and beautiful silver leaves. They are small, less than 300mm across, ideal for pots or rockeries. The one on the left has been growing slowly in my garden in semi-shade next to a large Buxus that takes all available moisture so they can take very dry positions.


Agave parrasana is an amazing small-medium-sized Agave that has grey green leaves with pronounced spines along the leaf edge and a long sharp terminal spine. I have one growing a conifer for a couple of years and it's growth is slow. Perhaps it is too dry in that location.
Agave 'Kichijokan' is my favorite small agave that ticks all the boxes, easy to grow in pots or the garden, colourful red spines, nice leaf shapes, slow growing and tolerates sun and shade.
It happily produces enough offsets to share with your friends or make some pocket money at plant stalls or on EBay. The picture on the right is from my garden happily growing in impossibly dry soil in the shade of a large Yucca for 10 years.


Agave victoriae-regis has a reputation for being the most beautiful agave and so they probably are. They are however prone to rot if they get too much water in winter so plant them in a dry sunny spot on sloping soil if they are in the garden. Ideal for pots because they grow very very slowly and pots can be moved under cover. Some types offset very slowly.
Agave ferdinandi-regis is a larger less ornamental variety but hardier. It is also very slow growing and ideal for pots. The plant has a very sharp terminal spine that my poor son can testify to because he once sat on one! The photo on the right is for comparison of these two similar varieties.


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